
 The Rise of the Smart Machine

Artificial Intelligence (AI)  or the development of smart machines, has been likened(link is external) to “building the Internet itself – something that can only be done over time, and with a huge number of incremental advances.” The development of a wide array of intelligent machine innovations are underway in labs across the nation, and have breathtaking potential for education, healthcare, business, finance and more.

The development of a wide array of intelligent machine innovations, also known as artificial intelligence or smart machines, is underway in labs across the nation and has the potential to revolutionize education, healthcare, business, finance and more. Several top universities are developing robotics projects as language-learning companions for children, for pediatric patients in hospitals, and to assist the handicapped. Robotic demonstrations are featuring everything from simple mechanical operations to more complex activities and self-driving vehicles. While some hail the rise of AI, others are more cautious, like the founder of Tesla and Space X, Elon Musk

Others have warned that AI could rob Americans of jobs – an argument that has been disputed(link is external) using examples that show innovation has historically created jobs. Interestingly, a majority of Americans do not fear robots will take their place in the workforce. When the Pew Research Center(link is external) asked American workers to weigh in on the level and impact of workforce automation within next 50 years, workers voiced confidence that their jobs would remain intact, even though 65 percent predicted that robots and computers would likely take on human job functions.  MORE:
